When I began making self portraits, a theme emerged that I didn't see coming. Self-silencing. Learning to keep quiet. Clinging to the faith that you'll be able to express yourself later, in a place where you'll feel free. Always later. When you get there, however, you may find you'll have internalized the learning to such a degree that you don't see it as separate from yourself. Where did your voice go? It's that knot in your stomach, the uncomfortable vibration in your heart, the tremble of inspiration in your limbs. In the DesCollages series, I used found objects, mostly surrogate body parts, and played with them in all innocent sincerity, until an image resonated with what my intuition knew we had to say together. I found that each image, regardless of the used parts I borrowed, revealed the same buried desire.

DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, femme
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, bust, shaved head
3 circles, chronic echo, descollages, voirin, self portrait, double, the other side
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, third arm, silence, sound of your own voice
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, third arm, silence, shh
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, third arm
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, bird cage
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, scream, sound of your own voice
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, crowd of mannequins
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, otto dix
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman, third arm
DesCollages, Collages, self portrait, portrait, woman
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